The Pet Effect - Prescription Cat
June is national Adopt a Cat month and June 21st in take your cat to work day! In celebration of cats everywhere, Assistance Animals Consulting is sharing this Prescription Cat video from the Human Animal Bond Research Institute (HABRI).
If you are prescribing a cat for therapeutic purposes, partner with the veterinarians at Assistance Animals Consulting. As licensed veterinarians, our expertise is evaluating any animal being considered as a working animal for therapeutic purposes. We work with you and your patient to deliver comprehensive care, facilitating a successful partnership between patient and working animal. As veterinarians, we understand the needs of the working animal and will collaborate with you assisting in the selection of the best animal, cat or dog, for the most impactful therapeutic purpose.
At Assistance Animals Consulting, we are veterinarians, recognized experts uniquely qualified to serve the community by providing resources for education, behavioral understanding, and guidance regarding working animals. Our veterinarians are here to support you.
The veterinarians at Assistance Animals Consulting will partner with you to ensure a successful treatment plan is developed for the patient and working animal. Together we can effectively ensure the optimum functioning of the human animal partnering team, create successful human-animal interactions, and have a positive effect on patient outcomes.
Assistance Animals Consulting
is based in Phoenix, AZ
We're specialized in care for service animals, emotional support animals and pet therapy programs.
© by Assistance Animals Consulting